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Seems I got a stalker..

What's so off about the 75 million? It could still drop quickly, and probably will after PS4 comes out. If that's the case, it could taper off at 90 million. And I still don't see the PS3 going strong 10 years so I stand by that second statement.

Look at how many people were off about the Wii sales, yet it doesn't stop them from playing amateur analyst. I think I get to do the same.

I'm not going to bother arguing with you about this.  It's a ridiculous prediction, and I find it absurd that I have to explain something that should be common sense. PS3 is NOT catching Wii.
Sheesh.. I really really gotta take a break from this site..

PS2 sold over 45 million after the PS3 came out, and it's still selling. The PS4 is not backwards compatible with PS3 games, so that will extend the PS3 life a little longer, especially after it drops to $150 and under and games can be bought by the bucketload for dirt cheap. The Wii is dead, it won't reach 110 million before it gets completely shut down by Nintendo. It's very plausible to estimate the PS3 can sell over 35+ million in the rest of its lifetime, all things considered, and effectively leave the Wii total sales number behind. The PS3 may still be selling by the time Nintendo is pulling the cord off Wii U.