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Killer Instinct was also the name of a fox television series, and their application was denied on the basis that it would cause confusion, but I think they have a pretty solid case to get that decision overturned. Seeing as their first game in the series came out before that series, and that television series is basically defunct. That said they probably would not even have to go that far.

In all likelihood Fox would probably abdicate any claim to the name for a mere pittance. So all that Microsoft would have to do was contact them directly, and they could sort it out in half an hour. That said renewing the copyright isn't any kind of proof that they intended to do anything with the name. Just that they wanted to keep the name safe. Companies often renew copyrights to keep others from squatting on them. It doesn't cost them much so why not.

I think your idea has some merit, but I think Rare would do better by actually hybridizing their kart racing property. With their BlastCorps property. While tossing in the customization that was available in Nuts and Bolts. Doing that would make the new property seem far less derivative. While at the same time adding a great deal of depth to the total package.

BlastCorps had a lot of cool vehicle concepts, and was focused around environmental modification. You could keep the standard race, and battle modes. While having the added benefit of a destruction derby mode. Along with the boss modes, and over world that was part of the kart racing property.