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thismeintiel said:

I don't know what stores you have been to, but all the Walmarts, KMarts, and Targets around me carried the PS2 til about 2010, maybe even early 2011.  So, ~4 years into the PS3's life.  I expect the PS3 can last at least half that time.

PS2 got took out of display just last yr. in Alex. LA. Walmart lol. Hastings still has a huge section dedicated to PS2. well i haven't been there in 3 months so things have changed. anyway this is my post. your thoughts.



during the PS3's hype, i estimated 125m ww by 2020. but personal adjustments have changed those numbers, and i haven't predicted consoles sales in over a yr.

PS3 will likely reach 10-12m by yr.'s end, and is still undertracked from last yr. 

PS3 will have sold 80m units sold by yr.'s end. 5-10 for the next 4 yr's will put PS3 over 100m units sold, and it won't be discontinued in 2016 either.

lets wait for GOD:A and the last of us to release before we jump the gun.


Yea, I'm sure stores are different all over the country.  But I think that overall most stores stopped carrying the PS2 somwhere around late 2010 - early 2011.  Which is nowhere close to the 2008 that Republic suggested.  I mean NPD tracked it up until March 2010, where it sold 118K in that in the US alone. 

PS3 should be closer to 85M shipped by the end of the year.  With the price cut, and most likely a few more exclusives and plenty of multiplats, I think it will be at ~92M by the end of 2014.  ~98M by the end of 2015, with a cut to $149.  ~102M by the end of 2016.  It'll probably continue to sell a few million after that, and MAY get a price cut to $99 (I'm expecting that $149 is where Sony will stop with cuts, though) so 105M-110M is definitely not out of the question.