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lol, no. Not going to happen. The PS3 is 23 million units behind a (slowly) moving target. The PS4 has already been announced, and it's not long (~7 months, barring delays) until marketing starts for it.

The PS3 doesn't have the install base to justify annual releases of sports games etc that the PS2 got.

They are wrong by the way with the "Wii sales dropped because it can't play dvds. That is rubbish. Wii sales dropped when games stopped releasing. The ability to play dvds or blu rays will not extend the PS3's life - it needs new games to avoid sales plummeting. It will have a good year this year, but Sony has moved most of its effort to Vita or PS4, and 3rd parties are shifting to the next gen too.

The PS3 will get decent sales from here, but not close to the 25 M+ it needs to outsell the Wii.