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axumblade said:
Marucha said:

I have two friends, one who is close to me since high school and one who I have known for a long time who is transgender. In high school, I had asked the first friend if she thought her sexual pref was a psychological thing or if it were natural since birth and she said since birth... her word was good enough for me.

Houston has a very accepting community despite what the media wants to paint about Texas' intolerance. The minority is actually the majority here. We have a very large hispanic population, as well as black, and also some vietnamese. Where I went to school, I was one of the few caucasians. Our mayor is an out of closet lesbian. I was surprised when she was elected because I was living in MD at the time. Actually, not really I guess... there is very active LGBT community here, especially around Montrose area. Gay pride parade goes on annually there as well with streets lined with rainbow flags. Lots of cool shops, restaurants, such down there... very metro. I actually think it would be a good place to visit, if you do find yourself this direction... of course, a large Christian population and churches everywhere. Even a few buddhist temples. Haha, and also a lot of strip clubs or just clubs in general. So yeah, all types live here. Very diverse city.

I would say politically, Houston is more democrat because of the minorities, but that also there is a lot of voter apathy... to me, in reality it seems like it's half and half, but then you also have a lot of independents . But many people, especially young folk, they don't think their voice matters, so they don't vote. And to be honest, if you watch the news, I can't blame them for their opinion... I would feel the same way because just seems like nobody 'gets them' or cares about their actual condition.

Yeah, the nasties still come out, but you will get that anywhere. People used to call me 'whitey' sometimes, but I used to just ignore them because it was out of ignorance. The only time I ever got really hot angry about the discrimination was when they used to talk down at my mother, who is crippled with a condition called "Dystonia". That angered me a lot, when they used to talk bad about her walking... people do like to stare, and it does anger me sometimes still, but I just give them a look right back. I noticed though the less you bother yourself with it and the happier you are, the less it seems to happen... I think people want to "pity" you and it makes them feel better about their own life standard. However, if you are having fun and are happy person, generally then they have nothing else to make fun of... and happiness is infectious, just as miserable-ness is as well.

Anyway, not all that super important. I just thought I would share.

I've always heard good things about Houston (a former coworker moved there recently).  I've only met 1 transgendered person and she was a bitch. She was the type of person who turns into a bitch when she has to wait more than 2 seconds in a line. I have a low tolerance for impatient people.

haha, one of the girls (who identifies as male) I don't know very well, but we met on an internet forum when I was a teenager. So I can't say for sure everything about her personally, but she isn't outright mean or anything. She can be a little blunt sometimes in a humorous way when someone says something obviously stupid/discriminating. She is super liberal.

My bestie from high school, she (also identifies as male), she used to identify as a lesbian for a while, but figured out later she was technically 'transgendered' feeling that she/he was born in the wrong body. Neither of them have had operations. The first doesn't feel it's necessary to change her biology, and the second is considering it. She is one of the most decent people I know out of most friends I've had, is really laid back, but has love problems just like anyone else... very kind hearted though.