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I wish you guys luck for those who want to be parents, it's unfortunate how far we are from equal adoptions rights (maybe even further than gay marriage), even if laws for this ever get passed we would still be facing a whole bunch of crap with adoption. Especially with all the idiots that believe gay people are trying to convert a new generation of flaming homosexuals that will destroy civilised society or something like that.

I've never wanted kids, in fact I would much prefer not to have kids lol But it's not absolute in my case. It would depend on how much I care for the guy, what he wants, and how much I wanted the relationship to work. But I would have to want him a whole frickin lot though lol.

OT: If it wasn't clear by now I am also a gaymer and think it would be cool to be on the list :)

@ Runa: That's a tough case. Usually I would just say avoid labelling yourself, but in this case, for sake of consistency, you can fit in with our other ambiguously gay member as a Groupie.