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I preferred the definitions by editor-from-site-I-can't-remember guy. Basically he had people boxed up as:

1. Hardcore gamers. The people who follow the news, get consoles when they're new (probably the only people who buy consoles before the first price drop), buy lots of games. Most of us are here.

2. Casual gamers. Think gaming is "cool", but only own three games, and two of those have names beginning with "Grand Theft". Buy the winning console when the price drops enough, and there are enough games the regular guy finds appealing.

3. Kids. Have no money, and play what they can convince their parents to buy for them. Eventually graduate into another group. Soriku and Leo are probably in the process of moving to group one.

4. Expanded audience. Haven't touched a game in their lives before, but are now intriqued by the Wii and DS. Everyone's grandpa or uncle that loves Wii Sports, or Brain Training.

The NES, SNES, N64, and GC only really breached groups 1 and 3. The Playstations were the right machine at the right time, and became a success with group 2 as well. Now the Wii and DS are working to keep all those people happy, and tap into group 4, while the 360 and PS3 have expanded nothing, and significantly decreased their appeal to group 2.

If someone has the original article handy, I would much appreciate it being reposted.