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axumblade said:
Cub said:
Pure and unpure?

I was never attracted to girls, so I never tried. I never met (or chatted online) with anyone who was confused. but I watch american TV shows daily and the "confused homosexual" character pops up a lot! I always wonder how confused one can be? are they like... attracted to both men and women? if so, why not just call them Bi?

Take the word confused to mean more curious. In a lot of cases, I'd say my high school years, it was an attempt to feel more normal. It didn't really work because even when I dated girls, I found myself looking at guys all the time. I think one time it was almost a temper tantrum on my part because one guy I dated and broke up with treated me so badly that I was like "Well...I hate men...I'm going to try this one more time to see what can happen."

It also doesn't help that I am a bit babycrazy and I do want to have kids one day. Luckily, I found somebody who also wants to have kids one day, which isn't too common in these days. We just need to get our finances in line and probably get the hell out of South Carolina first. x.o

This makes sense! 

I guess South Carolina prohibits gay parents to adopt? Good luck with the whole thing :)

Truck that video is hilarious!