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nintendo_fanboy said:
Interesting thread... I don't really have something to add, but I think that now leo-j is banned, kingofwale must be the most annoying poster on this site.


With comments like these..

"1. Because we all know lacking choices is great for the consumer, right? You don't see any other company making only one model of a product.

2. it makes no sense, since PS3 is just as reliable as Wii.

3. ...or like how Nintendo focused on Wiimote but with 2 of their biggest games, people rather play them on old controller?


Honestly, those are some of the worst reason to pick up a Wii. It's almost as bad as my ex's "Because it comes in pink" reason.


The reason to get a Wii:

1. Nintendo first party games.

2. completely different way to play games.

3. it's less expensive. "




He should just change his name to kingofphail..




I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!

