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Am I the only one who expects 360 sales to slow considerably when most XBox users already upgraded? Halo 3 even had less a positive impact on 360 sales than I expected, I view this as a good sign for the PS3 platform. IMO the outlook for the 360 isn't really that great, many XBox fans jumped into the 360 without being well informed of RRoD and other hardware issues, pushed by sequels to popular XBox games and no more support for their platform since the 360 launched.

I think people will also get more knowledgeable of Blu-Ray drive advantages with regard to non-existant disc scratching and much lower noise production levels. I think to tech minded people the Cell and Blu-Ray advantage is already apparent, but will become obvious to everyone soon enough.

In any case I stated Blu-Ray would win the movie format war without doubt and have been attacked for this in the past, but for the end result I don't think this will matters at all. I was actually surprised how few people early on agreed with me.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales