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Report: Deus Ex: Human Revolution for Wii U

Towards the end of last year, we started hearing stories that a major Square Enix game would make it to Wii U some time in 2013. Now, new evidence seems to back up the theory that we'll soon be seeing a new version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution on Nintendo's latest platform, with the Australian Classification Board updating its database to include a "modified" version of the 2011 title. 




Well...what do you think? Do you think this can be true? Or maybe a fake rumor in order to gain clicks? Perhaps SE will have a closer relationship with Nintendo? (Like they used to have years ago).

And, of course, if this is true, what are your thoughs in this? Would you purchase the game? Would it be a horrible port, or they could take advantage of WiiU's remote control and things like that?