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Except for Zelda and the new "Xenoblade" i don't care at all.
I really want a golden WiiU Special Edition with a Zelda Bundle.
3rd Party will be bought on either PC or PS4 for me

Most people will buy transition games like WatchDogs on PS360,PC or wait for PS4/Nextbox Versions.
They won't buy a WiiU for games you can get on other systems especially if they are cheaper/available or better.
The WiiU has for those games no real reason.

Bayonetta 2 will someday get a port - Bayonetta 2 SIGMA or so.And if not - In 7 years this game will still be nice to play and a WiiU down to 100€ or playable on PC with an emulator.

You can't deny the fact the WiiU hasn't the big surprise announced people would jump out of the window to get a WiiU as fast as possible.
PS4 on the other side for example has a big catch with its immense graphical power and how much they push compared to games right now.People are excited especially those who don't have a gaming PC right now and see information like "OMG the PS4 is a developerfriendy master piece" from 3rd Party and how they ALL jack off over that console while some already start to ignore the WiiU.NextBox will probably somehow to be able to catch the people too.
The Games with the Big and new impressive Engines are going to miss the WiiU.
3rd Party and their new engines will sell the consoles and the ones with the most impressive ones already don't care anymore or don't see those engines working well if they want to push the PS4Nextbox.