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MikeB said:

How much do you expect the PS3 to outsell the 360 in 2008?

EA expects the PS3 to outsell the 360 this year by about 3.5 million, personally I would go closer to 4 million due to high profile exclusives.

For Noth America EA expects both platforms to peform about on par, this puzzles me somewhat considering most XBox users already upgraded and considering the high profile PS3 exclusives. Personally I expect the difference to be at the very least 1 million, I would normally state more but maybe EA knows something I don't, it's an American company afterall.

With regard to Japan I believe this will be the PS3's breakthrough year for Japan, especially if FF XIII does get released. Considering the 360 is pretty much a non factor there, I would say about 1.5 million difference.

For the rest of the world I would add another 500k worth of difference.

Total: At least ~7 million, so IMO the PS3 could well end up becoming on par or even end up outselling the 360's total install base this year. (Assuming no economic slowdowns or major shockers)

hold it 7 million gap

america 1,5 million

japan 2,5 million

others 2,5 million

would mean a lead for the xbox360 of 500.000

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