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Everyone stop bagging on sc94597 on complaining about the wii graphics. The point of this isn't necessarily that the wii can do everything HD exactly like the ps3/360. The point is wondering if the wii can from a technical perspective do higher HD resolutions.

Yes even if the wii can do 720/1080p, it'll still have a difficult time being comparable, with all the other missing graphic features, that's not the point.

Obvious the fact that the xbox1 and ps2 was able to do some HD graphics indicate its possible, its just a matter of how much tradeoff it will take, if any.

This does bring up the point though about the video connection. Anyone know definitely how/if/what the wii is capable of outputting? Obviously HDMI is not required since the 360 didn't have one for a long time but what else might be needed that the wii doesn't have?