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Icy-Zone said:

So a female human being mounted by a male animal isn't enough consent? I've had a dog hump my leg before and I didn't put a gun to its head. And as wrong as it may seem, children can say "yes" or "no," it's just there are laws put in place to prevent it from being legal, sort of like laws put in place to prevent gay marriage. I'm just saying that some people are born predisposed to certain characteristics and just because a select few exhibit these characteristics, people and the law shouldn't bend over and accept these things.

Funny... Since until 1545 there actually wasn't "law", or written protocol, or whatever human invetion that prohibited "gay" people to marry. Who gives a right to judgmental majority to limit rights of minority? If you are against gay marraige, well solution is simple... Don't marry a person of same sex as you.