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Apparently the Neo Geo brand of consoles outright refuses to die, or at least refuses to stay dead. For those unfamiliar with the brand it was an also ran brand of consoles that were out in the nineties, and was discontinued as a product line almost ten years ago. It was largely a hardcore enthusiast market that supported the systems, and I mean hardcore in the truest sense of the word. The first console in the line adjusted for inflation would cost the equivalent of over eleven hundred dollars in todays money. In a lot of ways it was the best hardware for the time.

Late last year with nobody on these forums seemingly taking any notice. A new Neo Geo portable was released onto the market. Now I am not arguing for the sales of the device need to be tracked, and I don't think it looks particularly all that good. What I find amusing is that this has got to be the most incredible turn of events imaginable. I mean of all the brands that have come and gone in this industry. This is the one that actually takes another stab at the market. I mean it just seems straight up insane. I don't know if it is a testament to how dedicated that fanbase was, or somebody just loved the brand to death.

The only thing I can do is applaud the conviction. The company that is bringing this to market. May not deserve our money, but they do deserve just a little bit of recognition. How many former Sega owners on these forums do we have that lament the fact that Sega isn't even thinking about bringing a new console into the market. Anyway feel free to wax nostalgic in this thread about now defunct brands, discuss this device if you really want to, or contemplate the fact that if this has now happened once. It is possible that it could happen again.