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theshoe23 said:
Xyrax said:

Hell, I dont think Sony has a shot until they get that sucker down 200$ at LEAST. We already know what a PS3 sells like when its $500 instead of $600. Have you all forgotten? We HAD one of those. And it changed nothing. The sales were plummeting then and they are plummeting now. but at $399 it would have a good chance to take off into space.

However as a business they arent going to chuck 2Billion to the wind on the chance that it would send the PS3 to heaven. That would be idiotic.

 You could not find the $500 dollar one! I would have gotten one if you could!

Same here. I was extremely irritated at Sony for killing the 20GB model and for not importing them in any numbers to begin with.

I don't like wireless for gaming, the extra HDD space didn't matter, and card slots are a waste of my time. I was the perfect candidate for the $500 model and the extra $100 made the PS3's price easier to swallow.

I might even own one right now if they hadn't discontinued it. I bought my 360 a little after the PS3 launch and couldn't justify another huge console purchase right away.

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