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snyps said:

I fully agree with OT.

Nintendo fans arent supportive of ports. Then we bitch. I plan on selling a huge lot from my game collection and buying up 3rd party WiiU launch titles. We gotta send the right message together

Its not the role of fans to force interest in something which they don't have interest in. Realistically no one should have had high expectation for the this game because the heart soul of it lies in multiplayer which means, the version you purchase (even if you have a wii U) is largely dictated by what version the rest of your friends are playing on. It would have been silly to believe that the Would have a large userbase of representative of COD fans. The majority of cod fans are casual gamers, they are not early adopters.

Ports of upcoing games with an emphasis on single player are whats important. Like GTA...

Games like COD will have a better chnace on breaking 1m on the wii U once the wii U has a strong online community.