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keroncoward said:

In contrast COD only sells on PS3 so much that all the series are the highest selling on that console. Sony fanboys are the same but instead they dont buy their exclusives they always list to people and claim they love. If you accept Ninty fand dont buy third party games by its numbers then im sure you can also accept Sony fans dont really care for exclusives. Numbers dont lie and there is a reason why Sony always bundle their exclusives early after its release.

I don't want to go offtopic here but PS3 exclusive sells...

GT - 10m
Uncharted - 7m
MGS - 6m
GoW - 5m
LBP - 3m
Killzone - 2m

Of course... not like Mario but they sell great... now show me how many third-party sells over 2 million in Wii? and Wii U?