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S.T.A.G.E. said:

God of War is not an RPG...its just an Action/Adventure game.

The WItcher is not a Hack n slash, its an Action RPG.

Torchlight is from the same family as Diablo.

Ninja Gaiden was one of the first side scrolling hack n slash titles ever.....almost a decade before Diab.lo was ever came out.

That't the point... when this Ninja Gaiden was released the term was utilized only for Action RPGs...

The definition of Hack n Slash by Giant Bomb: "A term previously used to refer to RPGs that focus more on the action, today it more often refers to action games which focus on hack & slash gameplay."

Use this term for action games is more from 2000 to today... in 1990 when I started to play games Hack n Slash was about games like Gold Axe (the RPG... not the Arcade), Final Fantasy Adventure, MMO's and Action RPGs.

Edit - More previous hack n slashs games: The Legend of Zelda, Ys, Hydlide, Dragon Slayer, Bokosuka Wars, etc... and the first one The Dragon and Princess (1982).

Edit 2 - Here in Brazil we use Hack n Slash more for Action RPGs than Action GoW like games.