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madskillz said:
ArtofAngels said:

All I ever eat is junk, 24/7, it's either Pizza, Macca's or something frozen for Dinner, I weigh though 72Kg's, what's that 150lb? Anyone know?

I've only gone into this habbit the last 2 or so months though, I can't gain weight if I tried.

The only exercise I do, is I make sure I do 50 push-ups a day, and that's it, I'm usually playing games or just on here recently.

And what Legend11 said, I always eat at the computer, probably is a real bad habbit, and usually I'm not hungry, I may look fit and healthy, but recently I can feel it in my body that I am not, ever since bout 2 months ago when things went shitty.

Art, you've got a high metabolism on your side ... but trust me, if you keep eating like that, you'll be big as a house.

He doesn't need to worry about weight so much as he does his health, eating a diet like that will completely screw with your body and you will end up malnourished. You have to have some real food as well as just fat in your diet. My body sometimes fucks with me though, I once lost 7kg in a week because I wasn't eating much that week (skipped several meals) when I usually eat a truckload. Not overweight though, around 70kg all up, I have a good metabolism on my side.