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This thread shouldn't exist. Flame war city.

I think M$ will win. They dominate the biggest market in the world. They have more money, marketing ability and know what they're doing, they'll create tonnes of worldwide buzz. . The ps4 seems like it will cost too much again and because of Sonys financial troubles they can't really afford to sell it at a loss, even if they do, it will be a small one. The price for this console will be to high, more so because of the market than anything Sony has done but still somehow hasn't picked up on that. Sony have been in trouble for years. The ps3 lost them billions and destroyed all the profits made in the ps2 era, the most successful console of all time (seriously, how did they even do that?) . They're just not the company they once were. If they haven't learnt from the ps3 and Vita, how will the ps4 be any different?