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I think some Nintendo fans are under the mistaken impression that they are legion. The Wii was an anomaly, and not the beginning of a new trend. Nintendo is far more likely to return to its more consistent trend. Which is that the fan base of the platform shrinks by an appreciable margin. From the Original to the Super Nintendo saw a twenty percent decrease in users. From the Super to the 64 Nintendo saw a thirty three percent decrease in users. From the 64 to the Cube Nintendo saw another thirty three percent decrease in users. So if that trend continues, and we say that it is by thirty three percent again.

Then the logical conclusion is that the Wii U could end up selling all of fourteen million units, and that would pretty much end this debate once and for all, because third parties would abandon the platform long before Nintendo may be able to eek out those sales, and they wouldn't be coming back. Even if Nintendo announced that it planned to put out another console. I know this may come as somewhat of a revelation, but without third party support Nintendo is not enough of a presence in itself to force retailers to carry their consoles. Retailers just aren't going to carry any kind of console that is going to get a average of a couple games a month at most.

Whether you want to admit it to yourselves or not. Console brands do in fact go extinct. These off the cuff remarks about who needs third parties. Are a spectacular display or arrogance, and pure self indulgence. Who needs third party developers. Well you do if you want to see Nintendo hanging around through this generation, and maybe even making a appearance next generation. The math is pretty simple really. No third parties equals no Nintendo console. Nintendo has been shedding core players for a very long time, and those losses need to be redressed, and the only way that is going to happen is if the platform is viable for a wider audience.

The only way that is going to happen is if third parties find a strong market for their goods on the console, and for that to happen current owners need to start supporting them in earnest. The excuses are getting pretty damn thin now. There are a lot of games that aren't perfect on the other two consoles that still manage to sell well enough. A game not being perfect or preferential just isn't any kind of excuse. If you want fantastic games, or a fantastic level of support from third parties. Whining about it isn't going to get the job done. You are going to have to earn them, and that means buying their okay or good games in enough quantities to make them feel safe about putting forward the effort.

You shouldn't have to do these things. Nintendo should be the ones making this happen. If developers aren't giving them a fair hearing. Then maybe they need to finance some third party blockbusters. Microsoft has had to do it, and Sony has had to do it too. With as much cash as Nintendo has in the bank it would hardly be a any kind of supreme financial burden for them, but I think we all know that Nintendo doesn't work like that. So that just leaves in up to you the fans.

Buying good games, even if they are delayed, and even if they aren't optimized for the platform. Is just something that needs to start happening, and it needed to start happening two months ago. I don't know if the rumor is true, but doesn't it tell some of you something. When nobody. Not even the most dedicated fans are having a hard time believing that it is most likely true. This is the tipping point right here. Nintendo isn't doing so hot selling consoles right now, and that might as well be blood in shark infested waters. Developers are already skittish about the brand, but given the current economy, and now these flagging sales.