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Cold-Flipper said:
irstupid said:

Further illistrating the Hammer case.

Say you send in your berserker character with a Hammer to take down a knight, cause as you said it does insane damage.  Sounds like a brilliant plan in that you kill this heavily armored enemy easily.  But now its the enemies turn and they send 3-4 guys at your berserker.  Now you are stuck defending with a Hammer.  not that the weapon is weak, it will do the same if not slightly more damage than say your steel axe, but you are wasting the hammers uses on enemies that it's not very effective on.  You are using a 2,000 hammer when a 400 axe will do the same damage.  

The hammer also will only have like 25 uses versus and axes 45 uses.  So you have to think of not only what's effective at the moment, but what will be effective or wasted when the enemy gets their chance to go.  

It's times like this were you actually hope your berserker doesn't kill the enemy.  Cause if you do kill the enemy then that means the space is now free for anotehr enemy to come in and attack you, thus leading you to waste 4+ uses of you insanely expensive hammer on enemies that you could take out with a measly bronze axe.  

Sorry, you gotta take baby steps, imagine I'm a casual gamer who knows nothing about the franchise yet. (I am)

What is a "berserker"? You mentioned a knight too so I'm guessing different people do different things? The demo didn't do a great job at explaining it. When do you pick your weapons? Before you move?

Berseker class is basically just an Axe weilding skimpy clothed man.   High damage, not so high defense

Knight class is basically a guy wearing a crap load of armor.  moves slow, normal damage but super high defense.  Weilds spears

Mage class is well a mage.  does magic damage, good magic resistance, but super weak against physical attacks, weilds tomes

cleric class is a healer, can heal people, has good magic resistance, horrible physical defense and also can't attack, weilds staves

Pegasus Knight is a character that flies on a pegasus.  Uses spears, has above average magic and normal physical resist, can move a lot of spaces and fly over things and all terrain.  Is super weak against wind magic and arrows.  

There are like 30 more classes I could also list.  The point is, each class is good at something, bad at something else, can do some things, can't do others, ect.  I just listed quick run down of a few classes.  You could go into detail even further on each of them, but didn't want ot bog it down.  


When you level up enough you can upgrade the class to something more powerful, which will increase moement speed, types of weapons you can use, and other things.  Such as a cleric levels up and then can wield axes as well as staves, so they can finally attack.  Or the knight can upgrade to a great knight which will put him on a horse and thus make him have good movement.  


Then you also take into account terrain effects.  Such as being on sand, mages move normal, horses barely move at all.  If you stand on a grassy area you get +10 to evade.  If you stand on a little tower you get +20 evade and also heal some after the end of the turn.  Then going on to skills that enemies and characters can learn.  The pairing up system, the support system.  ect.

There are so many different things in this game, that its almost rediculous and daunting to probably even try to read what we are saying.  It's kind of something you almost have to play to understand.  The demo while great doesn't really give you that full experience.