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noname2200 said:
Cold-Flipper said:

I don't understand the Bolded. 

I get the gist of your post though. It sounds much more strategic than Pikmin or Paper Mario. I'm still not quite sure. I want to try out new franchises but last time I did that I hated it. (Metroid with Prime 3) The demo got me interested but didn't pull me in enough to say "I need to buy this". Do you like the game a lot?

Regarding the bolded, some weapons have special effects against certain units. For example, Knights are slow-moving, heavily-armored units who normally shrug off physical attacks like swords, bows, etc., and ideally should be attacked with magic. However, there is a special type of axe called the Hammer. If your axe-user chooses to attack a Knight with an Iron Axe, he might do 4 HP worth of damage. If he uses a Steel Axe, that might increase to 5 HP. But if he uses a Hammer, he can do 20+ HP damage. But that only applies to Knights: any other unit will take the same amount of damage as it would if your unit attacked with a measly Iron Axe, even though the Hammer is much more rare and expensive than an Iron Axe; the Steel Axe would actually be both cheaper and stronger in most cases. If it helps, think of it in Pokemon terms: some attacks are Super Effective against certain foes, but they're limited in use and possibly weaker against other opponents.

For your question: I'm a really big fan. But to be fair, I like the series. Still, the consensus on the internet seems to be that people generally like the game, whether they've played the series before or not.

Further illistrating the Hammer case.

Say you send in your berserker character with a Hammer to take down a knight, cause as you said it does insane damage.  Sounds like a brilliant plan in that you kill this heavily armored enemy easily.  But now its the enemies turn and they send 3-4 guys at your berserker.  Now you are stuck defending with a Hammer.  not that the weapon is weak, it will do the same if not slightly more damage than say your steel axe, but you are wasting the hammers uses on enemies that it's not very effective on.  You are using a 2,000 hammer when a 400 axe will do the same damage.  

The hammer also will only have like 25 uses versus and axes 45 uses.  So you have to think of not only what's effective at the moment, but what will be effective or wasted when the enemy gets their chance to go.  

It's times like this were you actually hope your berserker doesn't kill the enemy.  Cause if you do kill the enemy then that means the space is now free for anotehr enemy to come in and attack you, thus leading you to waste 4+ uses of you insanely expensive hammer on enemies that you could take out with a measly bronze axe.