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noname2200 said:

You choose which of the weapons the character has equipped to use before attacking (and keep in mind that the character will still have the weapon equipped on the enemies' turn, so they'll use that weapon to defend themselves as well). The strategy here comes in the fact that 1) most weapons have only a certain amount of uses in them before they break, 2) some weapons get bonuses against other weapons, e.g. a guy with a sword is more likely to hit a guy with an axe, but is less likely to hit a dude with a spear, 3) some weapons get special bonuses against certain unit types, e.g. the Beastkiller spear does triple damage against cavalry and pegasus units.

There's thus a lot of risk/reward and cost/benefit analysis going on throughout the game: you can use that awesome weapon now, or save it for a more desparate situation. You can use  your expensive and powerful sword here, but it'll cost more to replace. You can use the anti-wyvern sword to kill this unit instantly, and the first wyvern or two who will attack that character next turn, but if you keep killing all the enemies eventually your unit might get overwhelmed by the foes' sheer numbers.

I don't understand the Bolded. 

I get the gist of your post though. It sounds much more strategic than Pikmin or Paper Mario. I'm still not quite sure. I want to try out new franchises but last time I did that I hated it. (Metroid with Prime 3) The demo got me interested but didn't pull me in enough to say "I need to buy this". Do you like the game a lot?