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noname2200 said:
Cold-Flipper said:

@nonane: I tried the demo and wasn't sure about it. I made a thread but was redirected to this one.

Makes sense. If you have any questions we'll be happy to answer, of course. I will say that Fire Emblem is traditionally a pretty "hardcore" title, but the main thing that made it so (permanent death for your characters) is entirely optional this go around, so Awakening is actually quite inviting. If you're at all into strategy games, pick this up. If the only reason you're interested though is because it was developed by Intelligent Systems, it might be best to pass; Intelligent Systems is a very large developer that makes very diverse games, and it's unlikely that there was much employee overlap between this game and the Paper Mario series.

If I played it I think I'd want my characters to be able to die. It adds something to the gameplay. I'm a big fan of both Pikmin & Paper Mario which are both kind of strategy. Pokemon used to be good but got a bit old for me. I'm hoping X/Y will draw me back in with the changes. I'm not only interested because of Intelligent Systems. When I played the demo I was impressed by the graphics, 3D, and story. I found the gameplay to be decent but was wondering If I'd find it too repetitive. Can you actually pick your attacks or do you just say "attack" and then watch it?