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BaldrSkies said:
dahuman said:
BaldrSkies said:
There's a reason why JRPGs and visual novels are big genres.


It's more about game depth when it comes to JRPGs on game play other than the obvious importance on story (both are why most gen 7 JRPGs are disappointing, I pray to whatever higher power is there to make gen 8 the mostly good shit JRPG gen again), it's where the new Fire Emblem stands above the rest in current gen SRPGs so far.

Visual Novels are not games, they are interactive story books.

I'm going to blame the first one on poor localization, because if you think Fire Emblem Awakening stands above every RPG this gen you are sadly deprived of a proper RPG experience. I doubt anyone who's played the latest Tales games or Legend of Heroes games, or Valkyria Chronicles or Xeno games would agree. I'm not sure what you define as a "good shit JRPG" but it's totally subjective.

As for visual novel genre, you've contradicted your statement that they are not games with one word "interactive". Interacvitivy is what defines a game. What differentiates game genres is how the user interacts with the game. In the case of visual novels this involves decision making in dialogue and character action, as well as such systems as stat building, point gathering, and resouce management, things that are used in other game genres. Besides the interactivity options, visual novels share characteristics from most other game genres as well, such as visualization, music, dialogue/speech, animation, and storytelling. To dismiss the genre as "not a game" is objectively incorrect.

sorry I misworded, I meant to say "most" not "rest" lol. I could also list the shit ones which the number would tower over the good ones, I don't think they are "all" bad. I'd know since I've played pretty much everything in gen 7 on the JRPG front lol, the majority really are shit or not very interesting.

and I just don't know if this cane be qualified as a video game, yes, it's on a gaming system, but we also have a DS cart that makes it so you can play back movies so: