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If you were responding to my post. My complaint wasn't directed at you, or even in your general vicinity. You were not the poster that drug my name into the discussion after all. When I hadn't even participated in the conversation, but while we are on the subject. I have said some things that haven't been looked kindly upon by certain members of camp Microsoft, or by members of camp Nintendo for that matter.

I was harsh with my critique of Halo 4. I have stated publicly that I think Xbox Live Gold is a fucking rip off at the prices that Microsoft wants to charge. I fucking dismantled Bioware for being straight up hacks, and I am perhaps the only one on all of these forums to point out that Microsoft has institutionalized shilling as part of their day to day business. I don't hold my punches. If Microsoft doesn't offer backward compatibility, support for second hand games, or tries to charge premium prices for anything, but premium services in their next console. You can bet I will be pointing those flaws out.

Just like I routinely point out all of the egregious behavior on the part of Nintendo. I haven't been particularly coy about me feelings about this company as a game developer. I feel they are lazy, and don't take nearly the level of pride in their work that they ought to. They don't make new installments in their series. They just clone the predecessor, and polish up the graphics a little bit. They don't change up their formula, offer up more options, or even increase the basic amount of content. They routinely dial in the minimum amount of effort. I don't expect them to change so I expect that I am going to be pointing this out for many years to come.

I do not go in for vapid diplomacy. I am not going to hand out a bunch of empty platitudes to create the appearance of a balance. When all I am interested in is pursuing a honest dialogue, and I most certainly will not evangelize puerile propaganda as gospel. Let me just put this out there for you. If I were a rabid loyalist. I would be a hell of a lot more popular then I currently am. If I were just spouting single minded bullshit. I would have a retinue of bottom feeders floating in my wake. Perhaps even willing to fight or die for me in the coarse of a heated debate. Do you ever really see that happening for me.

No I am fundamentally a anarchist as far as the dialogue on these forums are concerned, because I don't accept the dogma, or rhetoric, and I actively seek to dislodge users from the tropes they cling so desperately to from day to day.