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it has nothing to do with trust(i never trusted them as they cared shit about gamers until they released xbox pretending to be gamers best friend.But I trusted peter moore and he did a great job for gamers-after he left 360 turned into what i have predicted)

but i must say:MS has great spin doctors and great PR creating turning gamers into lemmings.
Paying for nothing.They call it:service and experience.
saying people:360 the ultimate gaming need exclusives-gamers say yes.noone needs a media center like ps3.
MS changing mind:360 ultimate casual machins-gamers say yes.
MS changing strategy:360is a media center,you don't need exclusives.-gamers say yes.etc et

I'm know waiting for MS to bann used games,to prove me right that the lemmings will again say yes,without complaining,ignoring that they will lose 400dollar every single year by not being able to sell the 10 games they buy in a single year and can't sell anymore to refinance the next games.Wonder which kind of manipulative rhetorik ms merchandising will use this time to convince people to lose 2000dollars within the next 5 years for the love of ms.

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