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FinalEvangelion said:

Umm...  MS denied the issue for the first 1.5 years before extending the warranty ("Ya know, things break!").  Even then, they just sent half working consoles that would break down very quickly as replacements.  They did a good job getting the press to get gamers to think they are the good guys even though they should have sent everyone redesigned fully working consoles.  Eventually, gamers will get tired of sending it back and will end up just buying an arcade unit and putting a drive on it and Voila - a new hardware unit sold.


Easy answer for that problem...early on in the second generation of a game console with little hardware experience.

MS is learning but every single Sony/Nintendo friendly but MS blaster on the site(and there are 100s of you) seems to forget that their respective companies have DECADES of experience in hardware.

Saying "You shouldn't trust MS" when they've barely been in hardware let alone gaming hardware is sillyness.   The current 360's perform spectacularly, have extremely few failures and represent MS very well.

You'll note that most MS complaints come in the area of failure due generally due to significant use.  Easy explained by the fact they didn't have the knowhow or experience to handle overheating/much greater use than they expected.   This is me rolling my eyes as this point gets attacked even though it's 100% true.