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My total prediction = 24

Thus far these games have reached 1 million:

Resistance: FoM.
CoD 4: Modern Warfare.
Assassin's Creed.
PES 2008.
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.
FIFA 2008.
Need For Speed: ProStreet.

= 8

To this I'll add the following games already released:

Devil May Cry 4.
Ratchet & Clank Future.
Heavenly Sword.
Hot Shots Golf.

= 4

And finally future games:

Madden NFL 2009.
PES 2009.
FIFA 2009.
Call of Duty 5.
Guitar Hero 4.
Resistance 2.
Killzone 2.
Metal Gear Solid 4.
GTA 4.
Motorstorm 2.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.
Rainbow Six Vegas 2.

= 12