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Runa216 said:
Claymore said:
Love all this down with MS/Nintendo long live Sony bull.

I don't see anyone saying "Down with Microsoft/Nintendo", I am seeing a lot of people saying "Microsoft and Nntendo fucked up bad this gen, here's why."

The problem with the OP, the thread authors replies to people who don't agree, and posts like yours are that they leave no room for rational discussion. You just told some dude if he doesn't agree with your list of MS "horrible trust issues" or something that he's basically an "f-word". Oh but not an insult though, just an obervation. Idk why people make posts like that and then act surprised when they get hostile/opinionated posts fired back at them.

The OP is welcome to not trust MS for the reasons he listed. They are valid reasons for himself and others. The thread asks how anyone can trust MS after this gen, the simple answer is different strokes for different folks. For every single complaint someone has in this thread there can be another person who doesn't see that as an issue at all. For example, a common complaint is lack of Wifi. I happen to not like using wireless for online play. It's slower and less reliable. So not an issue to me. You mentioned shoddy hardware. Certainly a valid worry. After all, MS spent billions on the RROD issue. I myself went through 3-4 consoles, I forget. But each was repaired for free or replaced. So my trust there is fine. It's also helped a little by the realization that Sony also has their own fair share of hardware issues. Or paying for XBL. I don't have an issue with that even though others offer it for free because it's a better experience for me. If I take the wife out for a nice seafood dinner, I don't grind my teeth the whole time because I could have gotten a fish and hush puppy platter from Long John Silvers for only $4 or whatever. I also subscribe to PS+ even though Steam does all PS+ does and more for no cost.

Someone should just lock this turd.