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Runa216 said:
Psyberius said:

I updated the other post after you replied so i'll add it here instead.



Seriously.  This thread is about people "trusting" microsoft after this generation?  Wtf does that even mean?  ...

Are you really so blinded by your love that you don't understand how someone could not trust Microsoft? 

Trust could be trusting them to give  us a console that works, something they didn't have the decency to give this generation. 

Trust could be trusting them to get games that people want to play, and continue to support the system with quality games until the end. 

Trust could be not screwing people out of money for a service that other consoles offer free of charge. 

Trust doesn't need to be something life changing, but if you're going to give someone you're money based on promises of quality experiences, you have to trust them to come through and not screw you over.  Microsoft screwed up bad by dropping the ball the last couple years, in the face of other consoles catching up and in many ways surpassing them, like how Sony embarassed them with PS+, or how steam is just 100x better in every way concerning online, specials, value, etc.  

Though the same thing could be said about Sony: Do we trust them to not take features away from their system like they did with OtherOS?  Do we want to trust them to keep value in our console next gen?  after all, EVERYTHING PS3 related is incapable of being played on PS4.  I understand why they did it, and feel it's a necessary evil to ensure the future of their console, and their change from the Cell to what they have now was needed to eliminate any potential issues with development and could make it so the PS5 or whatever is backwards compatible...but still.  

Trust works in many ways.  You're just too blind to see it.  IF you really can't see the horrible trust-abusing issues Microsoft has committed, then you're the very definition of that F-word I'm not allowed to use.  Not an insult, an observation.  

Bla bla I love sony, blah blah, Microsoft sucks, blah blah imaginary problems blah blah this has been said 10,000 times by all your anti-ms budies on this site 10,000 times now blah blah blah blah blah.

Thats what you just said.

The fact is that 10's of millions of MS users love the crap out of their machines.  The only people who have a "problem" with them are anti-ms.  Sorry but you're so blinded by your hatred that about anything MS that you're not even on the same planet as impartial.

Every single console has it's problems.  Sitting here going "do you trust microsoft?"  That's just anti-ms reprinted, regurgitated, redone, remade crap.