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What really annoys me about this is the way that everybody that reports on it makes a false claim in their headline.

It's not "only 5% of developers making games for Nintendo", it's "5% of US developers who showed up at this specific event and answered our questions said that they were working on a game for the Wii U right now".

Also note that it's not "development studios", but "developers".

Kind of like how, when the Vita saw a surge in Japan in the most recent numbers, many reported it as "Wii U sales drop below Vita". No, Vita sales rose past Wii U. Wii U sales stayed almost steady. But saying that Vita is selling a bit better this week isn't going to get hits, while implying that Wii U sales are dropping further will get hits.

This is one of the big reasons why the gaming media annoys me, with one of the others being the tendency for them to post completely idiotic things like "here's a piece of art based on a video game, isn't it nice?", "Robbery happens, game system stolen", etc. They also never seem to do any sort of investigation. Basically, they're ahead of the mainstream media in terms of how degenerated they are from being news to being for-click tabloidism.