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Blimey, I'm away from these forums for a week or two and we get this sort of nonsense.

Having underpowered dev kits and out of date SDK and tool updates is normal. Happens all the time. Platform holders always assign different priorities to different developers. Even amongst their own first party developers let alone third parties. With new hardware development it's not uncommon for the highest priority first developers not to get final dev kits until a month or two before the console launches.

And there's no way in hell that Sony will be able to afford the losses incurred with having the PS4 at $399.99 let alone $349.99. Not going to happen. We're probably looking at $449.99 or maybe even as much as $499.99 given their choice of GPU and RAM.

Sony have really messed up with the PS4, they could end up with another Vita on their hands I'm afraid which could very well put the company under.