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Disagree in a couple of things .

Wii is in short supply thats for sure .But Nintendo isnt stockpiling .Stockpiling is absurd .For Nintendo its the same selling the console in January that selling it in march when SSBB comes .In fact its better selling it in January as the user has two more months to buy games .

PS3 sales .They are definitely on the rise .Since the 40Gb introduction they have turned from definitely weak to decent .And now with the BR win and the annihilation of HD-DVD sales will pick up even more .Sony at least has been able to produce enough PS3 consoles to sell as much as the market wants right now and they will have ample supply once the MGSIV and Resistence 2 in works arrive to stores .

360 .Its destiny its to fall to third place worlwide but it will keep being two in the US for a long time .And even if it falls to that third place it will still get ports from PS3 and PC games so it will "survive " no matter what .But its clear the brand cant increase its sales no matter what they do .Only Halo 3 managed a sensible growth of sales and it was for one month alone .It will keep selling good but wont oversell the PS3 this year in the same magnitude as last year .In fact PS3 will grab some wins and when the BIG games arrive it can definitely hurt the 360 a lot .MS may have some small regional shortages but they sold the same last year compared to this one and they have ample stock they are either throwing the towel and not producing many units due to uncertainity selling them or simply lying for damage control .