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Its hilarious that so many people are banking on the Vita not having a lot of stocks at retail just so they can downplay the Vita's sales.

Retailers aren't a bunch of dumb assess...well, some are, but give them credit. They all know that the Vita will be getting a price cut, they also know that some desirable games will be releasing.

As I said on one of my previous post, I worked as a purchaser, and I would have increased my inventory in anticipation of the price cut and the games. I'm 100% certain that there some retailers who would have done the same. I'm also pretty sure that the larger/more popular retailers would have some sort of deal with Sony with respect to excess inventory if it doesn't sell as expected.

Its not like Sony would just say "hey, I'm gonna cut the price at the end of the month" and do nothing about it. Their sales reps would have obviously pushed the retailers to increase their stocks.

Its funny how so many people are acting like they know how retail works when obviously their talking out of their asses.