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I'd have to agree that the passive for isn't as scary at least for me. Movies can be startling and perhaps a little unnerving, but when I played Fatal Frame at 1 AM in complete darkness alone in my apartment with windows that face into a wooded area, I started to get pretty freaked out and couldn't play for extended periods of time. Then I went and laid in my bed and watched TV until people got back. Still need to finish the first one and play the other two some time. Alas my saved game is across the world from me. I should probably restart anyhow. I did fairly poorly at the start.

Resident Evil 4 wasn't much of scary. Played the DS remake of RE1 and it was perhaps mildly scary. . .probably more of startling in some areas, but sometimes can put you a bit on edge. I assume it works better for that on a TV. Eternal Darkness was fun and more often amusing than actually scary for me. I love when your head falls off and says "to be or not to be" or whatever it was. I'd kinda like to try Silent Hill sometime as well