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I updated the other post after you replied so i'll add it here instead.


Seriously.  This thread is about people "trusting" microsoft after this generation?  Wtf does that even mean?  Are they dropping their kids off in Redmond, WA for the day?   Is MS catering their wedding?    This thread amounts to a bunch of mostly anti-ms people clicking "no" when I bet a TON of them don't even have a frigging xbox.  The only concern that I admit was handled somewhat poorly was RROD and they learned from it.  A software company has TWO generations of xbox under their belt now and Xbox has been a MASSIVE success.  Including Live, Microsoft makes a LUDICROUS amount of money off Xbox and they make WAY more money than Nintendo or Sony could ever hope to make off a single product.   People on this site either refuse to acknowledge this or admit to how frigging quickly Microsoft has caught up.     Is the anti-ms jealousy because the MS product matches or exceeds every single metric other than potentially sales numbers or is it just deep seated support for a platform that the user has supported for multi generations?

I'm not even sure there would BE a PS3 at this point if MS hadn't been dumb and tried to push hd-dvd.  If MS had put a BLU-RAY in the 360, many many MANY millions of PS3 would never have been sold.  Anybody who denies that a ton of PS3 final decision for sales weren't generated by having a BLU-RAY onboard for the current gen of HD movie watching are seriously deluded.   These are facts, not nebulous "i don't know how anyone could ever trust MS's Next after this gen" silliness that gets posted daily.    


My PC gaming used to involve Unreal Tournament.  Used to be ranked worldwide in the top 5 too which of course means I rule at life. ;)  Now my pc gaming is in MMORPG's.   I'm currently in Forsaken World(free).  Pretty sweet game, throw the odd 50 down for some sweet upgrades and every day I advance myself.   I'm not sure I could go back to my FPS's anymore because of my mind needing that advance. :/