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Well, your post sounds sooo biased, that its very difficult for me to trust you in this one..

Perhaps you are mistaking personal preference for bias then. I bought the PS3 for specific reasons that were not available on the other consoles. I believe Sony when they say they have a ten year lifecycle (they've proved it and it's important for me to know that when I make a purchase). They had Blu-ray which is something I just wanted to have. And their 1st party support is better IMO (not bias, personal taste). And I will never pay for online regardless of how good it is (again, not bias, just financial sense)

I picked the PS4 for reasons other than brand allegiance (fact)

The word fanboy gets thrown around as if that is a get out of jail free card. Some things must be faced head on and with honesty, regardless of whether it favours you.


The PS5 Exists.