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HappySqurriel said:

One thing I never see people mention as a reason why people choose a console is also one of the biggest reasons why people choose the consoles they buy ... People often choose to buy a console because their friends or family own that console; this is one of the main reasons why a console that is selling at a rapid rate continues to sell at a rapid rate, regardless of what the other consoles do or have.

Price reductions, Blu-Ray and some big game releases will maintain the PS3's sales in the near future but it will eventually face the reality of being the third placed console. By the time Blu-Ray becomes a truely desireable feature for mainstream consumers Blu-Ray players will be (at least) $100 cheaper than a PS3, there will be more people who own Wii systems than the combined total of XBox 360 and PS3 owners, and many of the most anticipated games will be announced as Wii exclusive.


I'm surprised every day to see the Wii outsell the PS3 and XBox 360 combined, while being in short supply, and yet see people like finalsquall make claims like "I see domination for the ps3 and yes - will take down the wii eventually"

Spoken like a true fanboy

If you actually bothered to analyze the numbers you would see that the ps3 is continueing to improve and with the gradual price reductions it will eventually hit mass market price. As far as the transition from dvd to hi def goes, once the hi def war is finalised the whole entertainment industry will get behind bluray because there is money to be made as profits from dvds have stagnated hence the main reason we are going to a new format. (besides the improvement in picture and audio quality)

The fact that bluray players can also play and upscale dvds will help further in the transition. At the end of the day it is the electronics giants and the movie industry which will force the consumers to go to a new standardised format.

As with all new technology it is expensive when it starts off but it inevitably goes mainstream. So the never ending argument that bluray will have a tough time replacing dvd's when it becomes the chosen standard is laughable. The only question should be how long it will take and not if it will take place.


 Edit- By the way this thread is about the hi def war. How did you bring the wii into this conversation??