Check out this opinion piece from Zelda Informer. I copied the final few paragraphs below.
Zelda 3DS Should be in Top-Down 2D Perspective
"Either Nintendo can go all out for an immersive 3D landscape, and this will take much longer and incur many more costs in development. Alternatively, they can decide to make handheld Zelda retain the top-down perspective to keep that classic A Link to the Past feel alive, as well as making things easier and cheaper for themselves.
Looking into Nintendo’s past, if they were to make the decision to keep handheld Zelda 2D it would be no surprise. Four Swords Adventures was a 2D perspective game released onto the Nintendo GameCube between the 3D titles The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. Nintendo knew in that instance that gameplay style through perspective was more important than a 3D world.
Nintendo revived sidescrolling platformers to great success, but the 2D action-adventure game is not quite dead yet. Either it can go to its grave or Nintendo can keep it alive and popular. Nintendo must prove that 2D titles are as viable as ever on the 3DS. They remain their own genre and style, and making Zelda 3DS a top-down adventure is the very way to keep that style alive."
Full article here:
What do you think? Is top-down 2D the way to go? I added a poll, as well.