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zero129 said:

Imo we need more Xbox and Pc fans on this site and at least 2 or 3 more mods that like them systems to even things out. As atm they are pretty uneven imo with the Sony and Nintendo fan base killing the X360 PC fan base in terms of size. Damn im pretty sure that the Sony fanbase alone is more then the combined 360, PC fansbase together on this site. And i think Nintendos might be even bigger O_O .

Its not that our mods are biased or anything as they do the best job they can, but they dont get to see and notice everything as imo we dont have enough mods. If this site wants to grow we need more mods and they need to own a PC or an Xbox or both imo .

I bet that alone would start to bring in more Xbox and Pc fans to this site 2 of the biggest user base we are missing out on atm. Cos if you ask someone about VGC they are going to be told if your an Xbox or Pc fan forget about it, almost no users there its mostly a Nintendo and Sony site. Not saying this is what i think but this is whats being said and i have seen it said before.

People talk about how Neogaf has people that knows about tech talk etc etc. Thats only cos they have many Pc users there, something we could join in on too .

Im just thinking of ways to grow our userbase even more thats all

There is only so much attack and backhanded pseudo praise that you see over and over before you just don't want to talk about anything anymore.  I've been here since almost the beginning and have like a couple hundred posts?  I check this site out at least once a day, roll my eyes at something someone's regurgitated or attacked and then go on to somewhere else.

If it didn't seem like a million people on this site weren't bent on blowing ms up, i'd be more active but honestly...look around...what's the point?