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Chark said:

Bluefalcon posted this earlier for a custome Jaguar CPU that will probably be in both PS4 and Xbox3.

Commenters say AMD listed it as a 1.8ghz

Ohhhh I see... thanks by the link.

The other user said that is anwser to 1.8ghz.

"no amd said it will be clocked 10% higher than what bobcat would've clocked at on 28nm node. that being said 1.8ghz is the worst case scenario, realistic scenario is probably about 20-30% higher due to the added stage in the pipleline in the design, and some due to the 28nm node, so 2ghz-2.2ghz is very likely, but seeing that they introduced a 25w tdp part on these i wont be surprise to see turbo clocks at over 2.4-2.8ghz(considering trinity 19w tdp parts do 2.0-2.8ghz)"

I think we need to wait AMD.