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Bigjon, I was arguing with someone when I first signed up. (Gebx) He was saying 360 won 07 fair and square. When i tried to explain how the comparison was unfair because it wasn't out for the full 12months in others he said "Ok they would have only sold an extra 360,000 units and MS still won" and then I tried to state that "Well with that 360k the 360 would have sold less which would make '07 a WHOLE lot closer."

He then went on saying "Youre telling me people who wanted a console couldn't wait three months untill the release of the Ps3 and bought 360 instead" When I tried to tell him I knew people who bought 360 before Ps3's launch because they wanted a Next-gen console he called me a liar. Funny how you are saying you also know someone who did it.