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So, I was watching the documentary 'the king of kong' (look it up if you've never heard of it) a couple nights ago. It's a really good flick, but it kinda got me thinking. Most gaming before the nes really doesn't mean that much to me. Classics like donkey kong, pac man, dig dug, etc. have never fully appealed to me. Sure, I appreciate the games in terms of what they did for the gaming industry and how they allowed it to grow, but my love for them pretty much ends there. 

The thing is, I still love nes and snes games. Super mario bros 3, TMNT: turtles in time, the adventures of lolo, super punch out, and many others still receive ample helpings of my attention. I was born in 85, so these where the games I grew up with.

My questions for others:

1. If you are a gamer born in the 70s or prior, how do you feel about pac man, space invaders, frogger, etc? Do you still spend time with any of these (or more) titles or have you moved on completely?

2. If you are a gamer born in the 80s, did you spend time with games from the pre nes period? Do you still spend time playing games from the pre saturn/psx/n64 (3D) era?

3. If you are a gamer born in the 90s, the question is a little different. How do you feel about 2D gaming? Did you still grow up with it? Do you perfer to stick primarily to 3D gaming? Have you played a decent number of classic games (super mario bros, sonic the hedgehog, the legend of zelda, contra, tetris, donkey kong, etc)?

4. Parents.... How have you raised your children in terms of gaming? Do you school them on the classics or stick to just the modern stuff?