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I must be behind the times. What in the world is this team nonsense? Are the console wars of old starting again? Well, I chose Nintendo back then, and I'll choose them now, though I might have to hide my PS3 somewhere. >.>

I'm the result of someone exclusively playing Final Fantasy XI from the PS2 release till 2010, and only stopping for small bouts of catch up. 

3DS Friend Code: Tate - Uh.. stuff happened... I need to get a new 3DS 

Switch FC: SW-3272-7705-6029

If you add me, please let me know so I can add you back. =D

FFXI Character: Formally Tatewaki of Cerberus, Now Arngrim Of Sylph.  Retired forever. ; ;

FFXIV Character: Tate Raken of Hyperion

All time favorite game: Chrono Trigger. 

All time favorite Manga: One piece... Followed by Ranma 1/2.