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I have quite a few consoles throughout my home.  5 x 360, 4 x PS3, and 1 x Wii...  I won't get into it, but, I like the convenience of just going where I want in the house and getting the interactive entertainment experience.

Late last year and early this year two of my five 360's failed (RRoD)...  By far my most used consoles are 360's.  They are playing music wherever I am in the house or when I am gaming so various ones are on approximately 30+ hours a week.  And now I am currently transferring my DVDs to my PC so that I can stream the video to my 360's via the network rather then inserting DVDs.

Two of my PS3's have failed in the last week (Both BD Players died)...  I don't have many BD discs and I also play PS3 exclusives on my PS3.  So they account for about 10 hours of time per week.

And my Wii kicked the bucket last November (Just wouldn't turn on)...  I play the Wii about 7 hours a week.

All consoles are kept in good air flow locations...  This generation, I do not seem to be having much luck.  What about you situation?