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My pick is SEGA of course.

Why? (and only SEGA developed games mentioned here)

Megadrive/Genesis days........ (will only name 3 games per generation) Streets of Rage 2, Revenge of Shinobi, Castle of Illusion.

SEGA Saturn....... SEGA Rally Championship (not to be mistaken for the crap that SRS released on 360/ps3, i'm talking about the AM3 developed game) Fighters Megamix, Decathlete/Athlete Kings).

SEGA Dreamcast/xbox........ Shenmue, Jet Set Radio Future, Virtua Tennis.

360/ps3....... Virtua Fighter 5, Binary Domain, Sonic Generations.

I see SEGA been ridiculed and laughed at again in here for the most part as usual (thank god the GAF community for the most part still see SEGA in a positive light and show them some respect)

SEGA fan forever.